t95 plus and hk1box r2 and hk1box r3


New member
hk1box r2 and hk1box r3 can use same Android image, t95 plus use same plan . the devicetree of three boxes is very alike.

compatible = "rockchip,rk3566-box-demo-v10\0rockchip,rk3566";
"rk3566-box-demo-v10 " is the market.
i have burned t95 plus T95PLUS-3566-LPDDR-920M-v1.09-20220506.img into hk1box r2 .it worked very well ,eth and wifi work good . only led dont work.
i do this because t95 armbian img. it can work in r2 . afer first boot ,do "apt update" ,it take me 4 hours, too tired to continue.
if anyone want upgrade firmware ,please visit https://boxput.notion.site/TV-Box-Upgrading-d8a160ebf14d48b29f3446190a75e5dc
if i have time , i will tell you a method to find devicetree inside img ,next time give you