HDMI output/Ethernet/USB2&3 are working.
Actually don't try to patch the DTB of original firmware for kernel 4.19. It required major changes in the device tree and it won't work properly as the devices flag "compatible" in original firmware (used for loading the device driver's module) are changed from 4.x to 5.x.
Thanks. Yeah, tried with 5.19.17 (and also edge builds with 6.0.11 and 6.1-rc kernels) and the system is booting up fine.
HDMI and USB2/3 ports are working.
However, I am facing a weird issue with ethernet. The ethernet seems to come up and then continuously shuttles between connected and disconnected states. (I am running a X88 pro 20 box).
I have attached the dmesg logs. Any pointers/thoughts?